Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Celebrating, Eh

Happy Canada Day! Here's some cool kid activities you can do. Here's some more. If you live in Toronto, the Ministry of Citizenship suggests taking in the festivities at Queen's Park. In Ottawa you can ride the trains for free tonight! Tourism Saskatoon hopes you had a nice pancake breakfast. Alberta suggests you explore the country's past with a quiz and come to their legislature building this afternoon. Quebec is having a Celafete. YTV thinks you should celebrate with Yvon of the Yukon, but they would. Canada Day in Fort Saskatchewan boosts national pride through community involvement. And if you're stuck in Langley Airport out in British Columbia, you're still in luck! Unfortunately, the fireworks at Canada Place in Vancouver have been cancelled, in favor of something they think people might like even better. You can also celebrate Canada Day by buying some original Leonard Kirk artwork from Spencer or us.