Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, July 14, 2003

Blogs of Peace

Sometimes it's kinda nice that I'm enough under the radar (at slightly over 100 readers, from what I gather via Extreme's statistics) not to make Blogs of War's nasty little hitlist (mentioned today by Neil Gaiman, link at sidebar). I'm not going to link to John Little (appropriate handle, methinks), who makes Freepers look reasonable, but I do want to congratulate all the folks on my blogroll listed as "Loony Leftists on the Web," the folks his skewed view describes as "anti-war, anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-Bush, or just anti-everything-most-Americans-value." I wasn't aware most Americans valued war or Bush, but then I have no idea what color the sky is in Penis Tiny's world either. Probably blood-red. Anyway, I'm going to use the list to add to my blogroll, so I thank Penis Tiny for his recommendations.