Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 13, 2003

Put Down the Pecker, Ma'Am; Walk Away from the Pecker...

Just a brief note to check out Fireblog, the official blog of The Firesign Theatre - I'd blogroll it but it's so seldom updated that when there's something new there it's an actual event. And this time's no different - Phil Austin, pretty much the only one of the 4or5 to post to the blog, has finally finished his Ed Woodpecker, Private Eye story. (Awhile ago David Ossman promised he would be starting a George Tirebiter blog soon but I don't recall hearing hide nor hair about that one since.) Also a reminder, most every Thursday night between 9 PM and 11 PM Eastern time (usually round about 9:30) I and a whole mess of others can be found at Firesign Chat, the only online chatroom I still frequent these days (I used to host it back when it was still on IRC and I was still doing FAlaFal).