Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 22, 2003

"Gouging Myself on Food"

I couldn't make the MoCCA Fest today, as my uncle (or, as I call him, "Meinoncle") Phil was being honored by the Van Cortlandt Jewish Center for his many years of service there. Our local Councilman and Assemblyman were there to give him plaques and proclamations. My mom and dad and brother and sister-in-law and all the Friedman cousins and nieces and nephews were in attendance too. I took lots of pictures which I'm sending to my cousin Marc as incentive for him to finally update his darn website and maybe start one for the VCJC. I reacted about how you'd expect when everyone stood for both "God Bless America" and "Hatikva" (i.e., stood but didn't sing, a bit stunned at having to suddenly deal with dual forced patriotism) as played by one Lenny Cherry and his Casio-type organ with all the slightly off-beat boom-chik-a's accompanying the usual Catskills-era songs. Somewhere in there a speech-maker uttered the malapropism used for this entry's header; considering the relationship Jews seem to have with food, I thought it too good to pass up (much like most of the alter kakers felt about the food at this affair, ba dum bump, thank-you-I'll-be-here-all-week-tip-your-waitress). The aforementioned cousin Marc delivered a wonderful speech about how much his Dad meant to him and his brothers and the local Jewish community, and let me copy my favorite line: We know our Dad gave up a lot, but his priorities follow from his values, principles and beliefs - family comes first. And so it did. Watching Marc's brothers and their children (seven-going-on-eight between them, including my godson Jon) I had to deal with a tiny twinge of barrenness-reminder, but that was after two Bloody Marys and besides, it wasn't about me. In all, the afternoon was by turns discomfiting, heartbreaking, funny, moving, and very, very Jewish. Much like Meinoncle - in all the good ways, of course.