Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, May 03, 2003

The First One's Free

Hope y'all had a nice Free Comic Book Day, and patronized your local store and maybe went to see X2 and all that. Haven't done either, I fear, but it was nothin' but comics for me today as well. The Big Apple Con seemed to be fairly hopping without being too crowded (a blessing in that church basement, which can get stifling but was quite pleasant yesterday and today), and we got prime seats, right next to our friends Jamal Igle and Scott Roberts and Tony Isabella, for whom I played local photographer during the NYC leg of his "Farewell Tour '03" (read any number of his online columns for more details). I finished the book about Alan Davis, particularly delighted to see Alan mention Robin on page 88; Scott did me a really cool cartoon of The Weasels (read the latest issue of Patty Cake and you'll get it); and we had a lovely dinner with Tony after promising to try to make Mid-Ohio Con later this year, my boss and our finances permitting. The latter are suddenly looking fairly good, as Robin got a wonderful, unexpected and very needed call yesterday which resulted in three months' worth of steady work, taking us through the summer with perhaps enough saved up to patch our safety net here and there. And the weather was beautiful! The only downer, and it's a fairly minor one, was that Christian upstairs seemed a bit restless in his new abode and went walkabouts from 4:30 to 8:30 AM, so I'm desperately in need of sleep, but all's quiet now and so it's time to collapse.