Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Among the Missing

Very horrid and busy workday; not much time or inclination to do more in the way of writing than some minor blog maintenance and this short posting. Worried about Iraqi blogger Salam Pax, who hasn't posted to Where is Raed? for almost two weeks, and now his friend Diana is taking a hiatus. A couple somewhat inactive blogs have been dropped from the roll, mostly down in the "women doing comics" section of the sidebar; on the other hand, it's good to see Sarah Dyer's journal back up. Spring is nowhere in sight in NYC. Saddam Hussein may or may not be beating our military's crude overkill of a whack-a-mole game, the same way Osama bin Laden did (or did not; there is no "try"). My brain is trying to take everything in and failing, so I suppose I should count it among the missing as well.