Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, February 22, 2003

Rainy Day Fun

We went to Jersey again this morning to check out another house. I know, we're probably staying put for another year until things turn around a bit financially for Robin, even though our not-yet-confronted downstairs neighbors are now threatening to become as annoying as the upstairs ones were, their rambunctious kids causing the apartment to vibrate almost as badly (although nowhere near as constantly). But it never hurts to self-educate, so off we went to Fanwood. And it's a lovely little town: according to this website, "The borough owes its name to the railroad. The first president of the railroad named the train station Fanwood in honor of Fanny Wood, the daughter of a railroad official and an author who wrote articles highlighting the beauty of the Central Jersey region." I just keep thinking how "Fanny Wood" could also be an interesting name for a British drag queen, but maybe that's because I watched To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar for the first time after we walked home, in the pouring rain, having to wade through ankle-deep ice-cold water streaming down the hill (we affectionately call it "Ewen Creek") to get back to the apartment. At least we got to food-shop before the uphill deluge; tried to last night after work but as I was putting the groceries on the checkout counter I was shown the yard-high piles of filled grocery boxes awaiting delivery, and cheerfully informed that "we can deliver tonight if you want to wait until 2am." And we watched one of our purchases, the DVD of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a bit later (wanted to catch it before the series premieres on Monday) and wouldn't you know it, [SPOILER ALERT] her parents gave them a house as a wedding gift. [END SPOILER] Signs and portents, perhaps, but we're treating it all like a learning experience. I've also learned to try to avoid wading through ankle-deep ice-cold streams in sneakers and thin socks in February. Who says you can't teach me any new ones?