Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Heavenly Patroness Turns 50

Happy birthday to "Jeanne d'Arc" of Body & Soul (link at sidebar)! From the design she put up on her entry today I'm assuming she's the Big Five-Oh, which is way neat because my personal aspiration at 45 is to be her in five years. :) As most folks who visit this blog know, I consider Body & Soul an indispensable must-read and one of those places that has taught me more than I can possibly calculate in the few short months I've been blogging. Many happy returns of the day, Jeanne!

You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

Via Brooke Biggs and Natasha (links at sidebar), this wonderful Observer article by Terry Jones. (Does anyone know if he's the same bloke from the Python troupe? Update: I'm told it is; yay!) Contrary to the claim in the sub-header, I believe the perversion of language goes hand-in-hand with the perversion of truth in this case (and, sadly, in too many others).

Double-Edged Sword

Let me preface by saying I like Google's search and news capabilities a lot, and I'm as happy as other bloggers that they've bought Blogger/Blogspot. That said, I'm surprised more online privacy advocates haven't linked to Google Watch, particularly their page nominating the service for Big Brother of the Year. Food for thought, whilst one is still allowed to bite the hand that feeds.