Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, October 25, 2002


Well, someone's gotten to Blogger. I can't view my website from my editing page any more. I click "view web page" and it comes up with "http://www.blogger.com/hacx0redbyme". This wacky spelling of words like "hacx0red" (which I presume is a "kewl" variation of "hacked") is yet another symptom of what I talked about here, and of course it drives me nuts because it reminds me again of how "old and busted" I am. In any case, I hope the "hacx0r" sets things right but I'm not holding my breath because if he (these things are rarely the province of "she"s) gave a hoot about people's minor inconvenience (which in my case just means opening up a new browser window, lazy cow that I am) I suppose he wouldn't have "hacx0red" in the first place, and it does no good to remind him that Blogger isn't nearly as inconvenienced by this as are its users (who would probably applaud his ingenuity in other circumstances were it put to actual productive use).