Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Et Tu, Jimmy?

No, I didn't watch the Resident in Chief make his case for warmongering last night. (I didn't even realize the three major networks didn't run his speech until I just read Franklin Harris' blog.) Let me guess: If we don't attack them unprovoked, then we're yella, and we cain't cotton ta being called yella. Am I close enough? Anyway, I was blogging this morning so I missed the beginning of the Today Show interviewing Richard Butler yet again. Didn't care to watch that either, "let me back in so I can spy on you again yadda yadda." So I do the channel-flipping thing, watch a bit of whatever CBS calls its morning show talking about the Serial Sniper (and thank goodness, I think, they've succumbed to Scintillating Stan Syndrome, True Believer), then flip back to see Katie interviewing former President Jimmy Carter. And I go, "ooh, he's my favorite living ex-President, I kinda like the guy, let's see what he has to say." And what he had to say was to reiterate the administration line about needing to strongarm the UN so we can get that pesky ol' resolution to allow unfettered access to people like, yes, the previous interview subject Richard Butler! Geez, I wouldn't allow that sleazeball unfettered access to a public park, let alone Iraq. Once again Jimmy breaks my heart...