Thursday, October 31, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Happy Hallowe'en! I don't really celebrate per se any more, having grown up with a family mistakenly believing it was a Christian holiday (rather than a pagan holiday co-opted by Christians) so I never did things like trick or treating; mobility issues means I can't stand around and watch the West Village parade; and I suck at costumes. So I wore Hallowe'en earrings because I have earrings for just about any occasion, Hallowe'en socks, and an orange madras shirt because the weather was freakishly (global climate change-ly) warm, and nobody made any comments but I got lots of bad-for-me sugary candy, and even a scare. My homeward-bound bus apparently scraped another vehicle while making a turn at its first dropoff and was taken out of service. No injuries but it meant I had to walk a block up Broadway and get the local bus, for which there was fortunately almost no wait time. In fact, a bus pulled up with an Out of Service notice which quickly changed to a route number, so it was fairly empty when I boarded and quite possibly got me home sooner than the express bus would have. We don't get any trick or treaters here, and the house next door is having an outdoor party for the holiday, so for the first time in years I'll be sleeping with earplugs. Here are some scary Disney makeovers to send you to sleep...

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