Sunday, August 04, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Yanks won, Mets lots, USA won lots of medals, just a typical Sunday sports-watching day. I did a bit more cleanup work on the larder after realizing that the excess paper towel rolls (I'd bought more mistakenly believing I was running low, because I'd put the rolls on the floor in the closet opposite the larder and "out of sight, out of mind") would fit perfectly in the space vacated by yesterday's cleanup, freeing the bottom of the closet to hold the new $20 yoga mat I just bought from Bezos' Emporium so I can do my IT band exercises properly. After I'd had my turn (punctuated by a nap or two) Robin had a go at actually organizing the bottom shelf, and it's beyond practical and beautiful now. The trash bins have all been emptied and brought downstairs, and five minutes in that humid heat was enough to do me in for the rest of the day. Showered now, ready for a rare Manhattan Monday tomorrow, and soon it'll be back to NBC Universal ads punctuated by Olympic highlights. Speaking of ads, here are some famous logos rebranded as if we were in medieval times, which sometimes it seems like we are.

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