Sunday, March 24, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Today is my Mom's birthday. I can't believe I never asked her before, but when I called today I said "How old are you inside your head?" She said 28. I'm 23 inside my head, so I found that pretty cool that we feel as though we're only five years apart even though we're literally a generation apart. Since she was the one who taught me to love language, I feel this video is appropriate:


Via Laughing Squid. In other news, I got a whole mess o' stuff done today, a lot of it with Robin's help. I finally connected my Photos to iCloud on my phone and iPad so I can call all of them up from anywhere; I updated and sync'ed my music; and I now have an empty Yahoo inbox having taken care of all outstanding emails, just like I do at work. The only thing remaining is to choose which tops to wear into Manhattan on Tuesday through Thursday so Robin can steam them (I can iron better than him but he steams much better than me), but I think I may have enough short-sleeved tops that we won't even need that. An exceptional day!

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