Thursday, March 21, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Dang, it's cold. I'm sure the weather isn't doing much for my neck pain, but at least I was able to make an initial appointment with an arthritis doctor (gotta start somewhere, and I know I have arthritis and tendonitis elsewhere so it couldn't hurt) for next month. It's nice to have forward movement again, but pain-free movement would be even better. Got home a couple hours ago and hung up my winter jacket for what I hope is the last time this season. All ready for working at home tomorrow, although today wasn't bad. Had an hour-long interim review with my supervisor, which was a lot of fun since we're both nerds and I'm fairly self-motivating in my job so didn't need a whole lot of direction. Now I'm just tired and happy to be home again. Maybe I'll even start following the news again and going to this website (via Mark Evanier).

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