Friday, March 15, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Ah, hello range of motion, I've missed you! After coming down with sudden shivers between the bus and the house yesterday, I painfully tossed and turned last night for four hours, in a big ball of sweat, before getting up for half an hour then trying sleep again. And lo and behold, suddenly the pain lessened and I could actually move comfortably in bed before grabbing a few hours of unconsciousness. I don't think it was the naproxin. I haven't had any painkillers at all today, and my situation is immensely improved. Robin suspects the muscle pain may have been exacerbated by some sort of virus that attacked and magnified the weakest part of my muscles, and yesterday's chills and sweats were the virus finally exiting my body. I may never know, but the upshot is that I once again feel more like myself, with a few residual aches around the neck and shoulders but nothing I can't handle with more conventional cures like a heating pad, a shower, and more sleep. Although I won't be getting on a golf course any time soon:

Via Laughing Squid.

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