Saturday, February 24, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I just love days when I wake up unable to walk properly. I thought it was a groin pull until we were in the supermarket and I was pushing/leaning against the cart and decided to give my left hip a bit of a massage, and lo and behold I could walk normally again. I guess the cold and commuting did a number on my body this past week, in addition to the self-inflicted boo-boo of crossing my left leg over my right knee whilst dressing about a week ago and hitting that same knee (the one I fell on a few years back) with my sneaker. I'm sure that bruise made me favor the leg a bit to the detriment of the other. Gah, I'm a mess. So instead of doing too many errands out of doors I decided to organize things in the apartment. My finances are all caught up on, the earrings all back on their holders, pills set up for the next week in the pill box and ordered where needed, comics ordered (and all the DCs from the last shipment read), and obviously a list made. I feel like I'm on an epic quest!

Via Laughing Squid.

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