Saturday, December 09, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

If this awful cold is going away it's sure taking its time. I feel like I'm getting incrementally better, but way too slowly for my liking. Robin is just coming into the worst of it. I don't regret going into Manhattan on my birthday, but I kinda do at the same time. We got our grocery shopping done but wound up pretty much collapsing afterwards, although I was somehow able to summon up enough energy to organize our outgoing holiday cards. My current plan is to be well enough on Tuesday to go into The City again, distribute cards to my work colleagues who are in that day, and take a trip to the FDR post office at lunchtime to buy stamps for and mail out the rest. My cold might have other ideas. I look forward to my appetite returning, but until it does I have to make do with videos like this:

Via Laughing Squid.

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